Physical therapy in Rancho Cucamonga CA can help relieve chronic pain.
If you suffer from chronic pain, the smallest everyday tasks can become a huge challenge. Whether your condition was caused by a sports injury or not, you can rely on the experts at Form & Function Physical Therapy to provide superior care. We can work in concert with your doctor and other specialists to help reduce pain, improve mobility, and uplift your quality of life.
At Form & Function Physical Therapy, we never provide one-size-fits-all solutions. Nor are we content to just blindly follow established solutions for various physical problems. Instead, we look to the cutting edge of our field to identify therapeutic techniques that will be the most effective for any given individual patient. Some of the options we typically offer as part of physical therapy in Rancho Cucamonga CA for pain management include:
- Functional training
- Therapeutic exercise
- Joint mobilization techniques
- 830 Laser therapy
- Electrotherapy
Don’t Just Recover—Improve!
At Form & Function Physical Therapy, we want to help each patient reach their full potential. This means not only relieving pain and helping injuries to heal but also helping to improve strength, flexibility, and musculoskeletal coordination so that pain and injuries are less likely to recur. If you want to not only recover from your injury, but also improve and excel in your mobility and athleticism, choose us for your physical therapy in Rancho Cucamonga CA.