Twenty-seven million US adults suffer from osteoarthritis, a painful and debilitating condition characterized by deterioration of the soft tissue components of a joint, namely ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. A large percentage of those affected find that their daily activities are limited due to arthritis. And while we may associate osteoarthritis as a condition of aging, it can result from joint injuries that occur in sports, motor vehicle accidents, falls, and on the job injuries. A trauma can increase the risk of osteoarthritis by up to six times and evidence shows that osteoarthritis can occur within ten years of an injury. No longer is it acceptable to live with chronic joint injuries and arthritis, people across the world are turning to Regenerative Medicine techniques like Prolotherapy to heal. Here is what you should know about Prolotherapy and Regenerative Medicine.
How does Prolotherapy repair and heal joint pain? Prolotherapy stimulates the regrowth of connective tissue such as ligaments, tendon, and cartilage, helping to improve function, mobility, and pain. This all happens because each treatment turns on what is known as the wound healing cascade. The wound healing cascade is the innate biological process that allows you to heal from any injury, infection, or surgery.
What joints can Prolotherapy help? Any painful joint in the body can be treated and helped by Prolotherapy. Pain and arthritis of the neck, shoulder, and back are routinely treated. Knee pain from osteoarthritis or injuries can be treated as well as hips. Painful conditions of the feet, ankles, elbows, and wrists are commonly treated. Prolotherapy can help individuals recover from a variety of chronic joint conditions even when other therapies have failed. Some of these conditions include tennis elbow, skier’s thumb, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, and temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) for example. 314 N Mountain Ave. Upland, CA 91786 909-981-9200 Inland Naturopathic Medical Center, Inc. © May 2018
Do I need imaging to receive Prolotherapy? Imaging such as an X-Ray or an MRI are rarely ever needed for safe and successful Prolotherapy. In some cases, especially where major defects in tissue are suspected, imaging can help insure suitability of treatment. Most often though, imaging adds nothing, and the results do not factor into treatment or decision making.
Am I too old for Prolotherapy? How well you heal, and respond is a function of not just your numerical age but your physiological age. Persons even in their twilight years can have significant improvement when health and wellness is maintained. Having a generally unhealthy life-style characterized by inactivity, poor nutrition, or smoking accelerates physiologic age and dampens your healing response.
Do I need to invest in Stem Cells? Stem cell therapy for joint regeneration is very popular now-a-days, but most joints can reach optimal repair with standard dextrose-based solutions or platelet-rich plasma. These options are more practical from a therapeutic and cost perspective. A single treatment with stem cells can cost upwards of $5,000 per treatment. Stem cell therapy can be considered in cases of severe osteoarthritis and significant defects in ligaments and tendons. Dr. Ayo Bankole is a state licensed doctor providing Regenerative Medicine in the Inland Empire for over a decade. He has advanced training in the technique and is a member of the American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine,, and American College for Advancement in Medicine, and the California Association of Naturopathic Doctors, To learn if Prolotherapy is right for you call our office now at 909-981-9200.
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