Concussion Care with Form & Function PT – Your Recovery Partner

We’ve all heard about concussions, and for those who’ve experienced one, you know it’s not just a bump on the head. While concussions can put your life and athletics on hold, the good news is that Form & Function PT offers dedicated programs that aim to make your concussion recovery journey smoother. Even a mere suspicion deserves attention, so read on to learn more about the concussion care services that we offer!

What You Should Be Wary of Post-Concussion

When you get a concussion, many people think they can just wait it out. But sometimes, time isn’t the best healer. If you’re told to “wait and see” for weeks on end, it’s time to knock on our door and see if we can help you recover faster.

Another mistake to make post-concussion is going solo with your recovery. Even a task as benign as cycling on a stationary bike might need supervision post-concussion. If you’re attempting recovery with unqualified assistance, you should reconsider.

Understanding the Foundations – Baseline Testing & Custom Care Plans

So, what’s our strategy? We dive deep right from the get-go. To understand your concussion, we first evaluate your present state. Recognizing which areas are affected helps us curate a program tailored just for you.

The next step is following through with the customized program. Here’s where our focus lies: when it comes to providing concussion care:

  • Neck Strength and Posture: By reinforcing these areas, we address headaches often linked to concussions.
  • Vision Training: Enhancing eye muscle strength minimizes fatigue, thus sharpening focus and concentration.
  • Balance Training: Aiming for faster restoration of muscle coordination, reaction times, and a swift return to regular activities.
  • Controlled Aerobic Activity: The right amount of activity can speed up healing, but an overzealous approach might backfire.
  • Cold Laser Therapy: Witness the magic of laser therapy which has shown remarkable results not just for concussions, but a plethora of physical conditions.

As you can see, we take every step possible to ensure that you recover properly from a concussion and get your life back.

Why a Trained Impact Physical Therapist is Crucial

Resuming activities? Ensure you’re ready! Just because you don’t feel the symptoms doesn’t spell recovery. We incorporate a concussion “stress-test” to give you a clear green signal.

Moreover, we offer the Impact Test for baseline cognitive function, especially valuable for sportspersons. This short 20-30 minute test evaluates various functions like verbal and visual memory, reaction time, and impulse control. With us as your partner in concussion recovery, you can rest assured that you will return to activity when you’re actually ready.

Make Your Health a Priority and Contact Form & Function PT!

A concussion might seem trivial, but its repercussions can be long-lasting if not addressed promptly. With Form & Function PT by your side, you’re not just getting treatment, but a holistic approach that cares for your overall well-being. Ready to prioritize your health? Connect with Form & Function PT at 516-243-9100 for all your physical therapy needs.

To learn more about the reliable and quality physical therapy services that we offer, visit us on the web.

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